JUMP TOAssetsasset-typesGet an AssetType by its internal IDgetUpdate an AssetType by its internal IDpatchDelete an AssetType by its internal IDdeleteGet an AssetType by its labelgetUpdate an AssetType by its labelpatchDelete an AssetType by its labeldeleteCreate a new AssetTypepostassetsDisplay a list of assetsgetCreate a new AssetpostGet an Asset by its internal IDgetUpdate an Asset by its internal IDpatchDelete an Asset by its internal IDdeleteGet an Asset by its numbergetUpdate an Asset by its numberpatchDelete an Asset by its numberdeleteOrganizationsorganizationsGet a specific organization by IDgetUpdate a organization by IDpatchDelete an organization by IDdeleteDisplay a list of organizationsgetCreate a new organizationpostDisplay a list of contacts for a specific organizationgetContactscontactsGet a specific contact by IDgetUpdate a contact by IDpatchDelete a contact by IDdeleteDisplay a list of contactsgetAdd a new contact to an organizationpostPartspartsGet all partsgetCreate a new partpostGet a specific partgetUpdate a specific partpatchFilesfiles/v1/filesget/v1/filespost/v1/files/{id}get/v1/files/{id}patch/v1/files/{id}delete/v1/files/{id}/downloadget/v1/files/folderpost/v1/files/{id}/contentpatchCasescases/v1/cases/{id}get/v1/casespostFormsforms/v1/formsget/v1/forms/{id}getAIai-chat/v1/ai/answerpost/v1/ai/feedback/{traceId}postPowered by Update an AssetType by its internal IDpatch https://api.remberg.de/v2/assets/types/{id}